I was born in Moscow, Russia. I began studying piano when I was just five years old and completed music school by the time I was twelve. During these years I participated in several competitions in the greater Moscow area and was pleased to receive some first and
second place awards. But a career as a pianist was not in the cards for me – I really like to sing! As a matter of fact, I began singing even before I was talking (or so my mother has claimed). My first concert stages were commuter buses where my mother asked me to sing to keep me quiet (she didn’t have to plead for long as I was always ready to sing). I would go to the middle of the bus and sing all of the songs I knew until we arrived at our bus stop. These audiences always gave me rousing applause which encouraged me even more to continue my public singing. Such ovations impressed me greatly at this tender age and I needed more. When I was fifteen I learned to play the guitar. This gave me independence in performing as I was no longer tied to a heavy piano. However, I didn’t become a professional singer, because my childhood dream was to become a doctor and I couldn’t imagine that singing could be a job – it was for my soul and enjoyment. But, I never stopped singing as it had become an addiction which I have fed until today and will continue to sing, whenever the opportunity strikes! I am always ready to sing – just be my audience!